RM Analyzer Help

Traffic Lanes > Intensity of unit load

Definition of the unit loads related to the respective lane point.

Elem Element where the unit load is applied
Fx, Fy, Fz Components of the applied unit load
Local/Global (Option) Selection of the coordinate directions for the load vector Fx, Fy, Fz
x/l Distance of the application point of the load from element begin, expressed as a fraction of the element length. (0<input<1).
ey, ez Eccentricity of the load application point (distance from the reference line of the element).
EYel, EZel (Options) Options for defining the reference line.
No option selected Reference line is the element axis (center of gravity)
EYel The reference line is moved by the Y component of the cross-section eccentricity
EZel The reference line is moved by the Z component of the cross-section eccentricity
Local/Global (Option) Definition whether eccentricities are defined in local or global coordinate directions